Monday, May 19, 2008

Child Model Search

I entered Asha into the child model search in the Parent magazine. Just hoping that you will go and vote for her!!Pass it on and have everyone you know vote for my girl!! THANKS!!Gallery Link:

I would appreciate as many votes as she can get.

Also I think I better elaborate a little on the end of my last post. I drive 6 hours every other weekend to drop off Asha and pick her up. My husband will not help me out because he is paying alimony and child support and believes that I should be driving even further than I am. He chose to move 4 hours away and Asha and I have to suffer for it. My poor girl spends 8 hours in a car every other weekend. Definately not where a 3 year old wants to be. It's a good thing she travels well otherwise it would be an even bigger nightmare than it already is. That is also the hardest part if I have to work full time is that I would get done in time to pick her up on Friday and take her to her dad's. I wouldn't even get to spend time with her before she leaves that day.

I did get an e-mail from my social worker and she said that I could keep my insurance if I pay a premium but she didn't say how much that is. It wouldn't even be worth working full time if the premium is what I'm making extra a pay check. I just don't know what to do. I need the insurance because I have severe thyroid problems and if I don't take my meds or go to the doctor I will most likely die from it. The social worker also didn't mention if it would help or hurt my day care assistance. I already pay $200 a month for day care and that's with assistance.

I just don't know what to do and now Asha is sick with the runs again. This is the second time she's come back from her dad's with the runs. Thankfully my mother in law could watch her today but I doubt she can handle it 2 days in a row so if Asha still has the runs tomorrow I have to take off of work which I can't afford. If I send her and she has the runs at school then I'm missing 2 days of work.

Please pray for us and our situation. There are people who do have it worse but I am just worried about the insurance.

Sorry to dump I just don't know where to go from here. I hope the social worker has good news for me tomorrow. I left her a message today to find out what the premium would be but she didn't call back.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.