This is her concentrating very hard on not falling off the balance beam. This beam is a little ways off the ground and she was the only one to make it all the way down the beam.
This is her stretching before class. They let the kids run around for a while before class begins and there is a class of older kids at the same time as Asha so she likes to copy the older kids.
Here she is on the lower balance beam. This one she just glides across with no help at all.
I am just so proud of her. She is getting to be so big. She is going to be 3 in a few months and I just don't know where the last 3 years have gone. Where is my little pudgy baby who used to cuddle with me?
Thanks again ladies for all of your well wishes and prayers. I can still use them so I appreciate them all.
She's so precious! I know she is a huge joy and comfort to you.
Still praying.
Love you,
Always so pretty in purple!
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