This is kind of Asha's Halloween costume. I had to try the wings on her to make sure they fit and she ended up wanting the whole thing on so of course I put it all on over her jammies. She was just so cute I had to take the picture. Halloween will be so much fun this year. Last year she just sat in the stroller and looked completely and totally bored. This year there will be lots of running up to doors and wanting CANDY!!! Once she figures out that's what they are putting in her bucket I'm sure she will be gung ho on the whole thing.
She is almost 19 months now (tomorrow) and has such a wonderful little personality on her. She makes me laugh daily and has FINALLY started to sleep through the night. I forgot how good it felt to actually sleep through the night.
As for her being a little character she certainly is. She likes to mimic or sometimes even mock us which makes us laugh so hard. I tend to groan and moan when I'm bending or picking her up so she will pick up her dolls and moan and groan like her mom. It's so funny!!! I also sigh when I'm frustrated or just having a bad day and she will look at me and sigh right back. Theeeeeeennnnnnn there's my husband who dropped a dirty diaper and the floor and proceeded to say SH** and guess who said it right after him ..... you guessed it our little mimick. You never know how many bad things you actually say until they come out of that sweet little mouth.
I also promised pictures of Asha with a different hair style so here it is. It's nothing fancy but it's different. I did just experiment with doing corn rows in a diagonal line on her head and they turned out ok. I still need to practice some more but I'm getting there.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
What A Character I Have!!!
Posted by Mandy at 2:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
Feeling Pretty Bad!!
Feeling pretty bad right now. I was so frustrated and pretty much just stressed out and crabby all day because my little angel was being anything but that today. I was yelling at her a lot today and even gave her her first time out which didn't go real well so by night time I was exhausted and just feeling really bad about the whole day. What made me feel even worse and kind of better was when I put that little sweet heart to bed and she put that little head on my shoulders and then wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. I felt bad because I'd been crabby all day and yelling but happy that even though I was crabby and yelling my little girl still knows that I love her and could give her crabby old mom a hug!!!
Does anyone else feel like this? On a day to day basis it seems like there are more power struggles and more frustration and days ending with me feeling bad for all the no's and yelling.
Boy was I stupid when I was younger and thought being a parent would be easy. It is so hard and so trying most days. There are A LOT of good days but boy the bad ones seem to be really bad and those are the ones that leave me feeling like a rotten parent. Am I alone with this or am just one of many frustrated moms?
Posted by Mandy at 10:37 PM 3 comments